Thursday, December 16, 2010

Compliments from Heist

Nora – You're a born leader. You are so very thoughtful and insightful, yet you manage to still have a wicked sense of humor.
Chad – You are a funny guy who knows more about computers than anyone I know.
Angela – You are one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. And your smile lights up the room!
Jesus – We're all so glad you're here at our school this year. You instantly fit in. You're a really thoughtful guy and you're full of good ideas, good thoughts, and good questions.
Emma – You're very even-tempered and good natured. Your joy for life is contagious.
Prestin – You are hard-working. You're kind to everyone and are always a true gentleman.
Avi – You're quiet, but it is always very obvious that you are a very sweet young lady and have an extremely kind heart.
Dylan – You are one of the nicest, kindest guys around.
Jonathan – You are a very hardworking young man. You're quiet, but sometimes we all love to see your silly side.
Karlie – You are a really good sport. And… oh, yeah… you're friggin' hilarious!
Isai – You have a big heart. Being around you makes everyone happy. And… you're a REALLY smart dude!
Lupita – You're a smart girl chock full of excellent ideas.
Yareli – You show a lot of effort and you've shown so much growth over the past few years.
Jordon – You are a sensitive guy.
Chris – You are silly and make me laugh.
Samantha – You have a dry sense of humor and always tell it like it is (be careful with that one!).
Magie – You have a really wonderful spirit that always seems to emanate from you like a bright light.
Nefer – You are one of the smartest people around and never try to show off about how intelligent you are.
Jacob – You are a really bright guy, a great reader, and a great friend.
Kenneth – You are a great guy and an excellent addition to your class.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Apiphobic? Are you afraid of BEES?

The stinging truth.

Fear of bees is called apiphobia.

I suffered from an extreme bee and wasp phobia for most of my life. For instance, I went hysterical if trapped in a room with a wasp. I would unleash half the can of hornet killer from the farthest possible distance.

Worse, I once bolted from my car because there was a bee inside ... and couldn't summon the courage to return and unbuckle my toddler from the back seat for a long, excruciating moment. How humiliating!

However, I am now what I would consider CURED.

To find out how, read on.

Apiphobia: the fear of bees 

Fear of bees or bee stings is one of common fears among people. Apiphobia (from Latin apis for "honeybee") or melissophobia (from Greek melissa for "honeybee"), is a fear of bees and a kind of specific phobia.

Bees, wasps, hornets ... my tiny nemesi 

Most of my life, including adulthood, I suffered from an inexplicable, irrational fear of bees.


How does such a phobia take over? 

I've long considered that the source of my fear was the story I'd heard but didn't remember myself, of playing outdoors as a very young child and being attacked by a swarm of ground bees.

My brother tried to save me, picking me up and running with me to the house ... and dropping me when the bees unleashed their fury on him.

I'm quite glad I don't remember that day. As far as I could tell, I've just always been afraid of wasps and bees.

Facing fears. 

Through techniques I learned from a psychologist who used light hypnosis to help people overcome feelings triggered by certain odors and colors, I "psyched myself out" and overcame my fear of bees on my own.

The final confirmation that the fear had left me ... on September 9, 2007, I was sitting on my front porch. A yellowjacket, one of the more aggressive types of wasps and one more likely to sting with the least amount of provocation, decided to land on my bare arm.

Just years ago, I would have SCREAMED bloody murder and probably would have run into the house crying and vowing to never go outside again until there was a foot of snow on the ground.

Instead, I scowled at the unwelcome visitor and shwooshed it away. I stayed where I sat and thought with great resolve, a person CAN change.

The ability for change is within us all.

Insect phobias not uncommon 

Overcoming Animal & Insect Phobias: How To Conquer Fear Of Dogs, Snakes, Rodents, Bees, Spiders & More

by: Martin M. Antony, Randi E., Ph.D. McCabe

Amazon Price: $11.01 (as of 12/13/2010)

Don't let them bug you 

Fatal Funnel FFW-6P Wasp...

The world of stinging insects 

a Links Plexo


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More Honey and More Gentle Bees December 1999

Since STINGING is the greatest deterrent of beekee more...0 points

Since STINGING is the greatest deterrent of beekeeping as well as the fear of your. neighbors and the public, you should be much aware of those ...0 points


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African Honey Bee: What You Need to Know

This is the African or Africanized honey bee so of more...0 points

This is the African or Africanized honey bee so often sensationalized in the media. The European honey bee is the race common to North America, ...0 points


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At we hope to provide general in more...0 points

At we hope to provide general information about bees, ... Read a statement from Dr. Tanya Pankiw about Africanized honey bees. ...0 points


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Africanized Bees

Africanized Honey Bee (Ohio); Africanized Honey Be more...0 points

Africanized Honey Bee (Ohio); Africanized Honey Bee (Texas); Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey & National Agricultural Pest Information Service ...0 points


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Africanized Honey Bees

Nature has introduced a new threat - Africanized H more...0 points

Friday, October 22, 2010


By Jordon

If I had advice to my kid(s) I would say, Just be yourself, and if you have a problem, I would be glad to help. And they don't need to worry about what they say at all.

It doesn't matter at all what you look at, at all. Oh and another thing there probably jellies.

Advice- is like telling how to behave or how to ask out a girl or how to salve a problem.


Advise- is like something to do with the earth.


                By Nefer

I don't think the fourteen year old girl that got suspended for having a nose piercing should have been suspended. Since the school allowed "sincerely held religious beliefs" they should have let her wear the piercing since that was part of her religion. Tattoos and piercings are part of how her church people dress so she should be able to wear it at school. The piercing isn't really a distraction; it's kind of like wearing a necklace or ring as a decoration on you. Students should be able to wear body jewelry at school as a way of expressing themselves. It can be a distraction sometimes because other kids might want to know when or where they got it, if it hurt, or something else about it. Having a nose piercing shouldn't be against the school rules.

    When students have a nose piercings it doesn't change how they do their work or how they think. If some teachers have it they still teach the same. Nothing changes with a piercing except your look. Piercings aren't necessary but they're not much of a distraction. The girl that suspended shouldn't have gotten punished for her religious belief.


By Jacob

I say that it's not a really big distraction. Girls and some boys wear ear piercings all the time. What's the difference between an ear piece and a nose piece? In this case the school is just being a pain. They want to be very picky about everything that goes on at the school.

Piercings are not a big deal. When people wear nose piercings it's just to wear them. They aren't trying to worship Satan. It's just a stupid nose piercing don't cry about it.



By Isai

What the school did wasn't the right thing to do because everybody has the right to express themselves. Suspending someone for having a nose piercing is really stupid. A lot of people have nose piercings. Everyone should be allowed to have piercings were ever they want if they want to. Like the other day I saw some dude up town with nipple piercing and I thought he was really weird and everyone was looking at him like OMG that's gross.

Piercings are just piercings people usually have them on there ears and wats the big diference if there on your nose. Mabye the principle of that school didn't like the nose piercing bucause shes to old. People like different so maybe is because she doesn't have one and she was jeleus.


No Title Given

By Angela Soledad

    I think ridiculous that a 14 year old girl got expelled for having a nose piercing. People should be able to wear piercings if they want to including kids that attend school. They might get other students attention for a while but it will get old soon. I know because a couple of students here have gotten piercings here and people are like commenting on it like the whole day and by the end of the week no one is noticing it anymore.

    Students should be allowed to express them self through body art. It nothing bad I mean seriously even some teachers have pierces even tattoos. I wouldn't get why students aren't allowed to have piercings.